Understanding Our Beliefs:
Things You Might Not Know About Fourth

- We do NOT  believe in the concepts of "The Fall" and "Original Sin."

- We do NOT  believe the creation story is literal.

- We do NOT  believe in eternal punishment.

- We do NOT  believe Jesus died to save us from God's wrath or punishment.

- We do NOT  believe science and religion are mutually exclusive.

- We do NOT  believe God judges us.

- We believe that when traditional faith claims don't make sense, questioning them is wise and helpful to the development of a healthy, genuine, honest personal faith.

-  We understand the Bible to be a conversation partner, but not the final word on matters of God and faith.

- We believe Christianity can and should be open to change.

- We believe religions other than our own have much to teach us about faith, life, and God.

- We believe God loves and receives all people universally and not just those who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

- We believe life will test us, but God will not.

- We believe the Christian faith should propel us forward to greater understanding and compassion, not beckon us backward to some so-called "holier" time,

Discover our beliefs

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